Bisnis Investasi Online Terpercaya: 2012

Friday, November 9, 2012

Everybody Wins and Nobody Loses in Profit Clicking

There are a lot of making money schemes online that has helped a lot of people earn a passive income in the internet. There are also some which turn out to be a scam which makes a lot of people to be very careful on which program or system to sign up for. There is one system that is very impressive when it comes to making money online. This system is called “Profit Clicking” and it is worth discussing.

Profit Clicking is a very profitable system that everybody would want to check. With its popularity spreading, over 5000 people join the system every day and the number is increasingly growing.
There are a lot of profit clicking reviews which talk about how it has become a very profitable avenue for its members. There are also some profit clicking scam articles which are trying to put the system down. Those haters might be their competitors or maybe those who are just jealous on how this system becomes very helpful to a lot of people.

Why people join the profit clicking system?
The main reason why a lot of people join profit clicking is because everybody earns. Nobody is a loser and not a single active member loses anything. It won’t even cost you hundreds of dollars to earn a thousand. If you invest something, then you would surely something in return with the system.
Some members are making 100 US dollars a day while some are making well which reaches to more than 1000 US dollars per day. Once you understand how the system works, then you’ll probably find how good money you can earn from it.

What profit clicking has to offer?
There is common misconception that you don’t need to invest some cash just to earn some money. It is not true all the time. You spend to earn. If you don’t have that much money, then don’t worry because profit clicking doesn’t need you to spend much. There are a lot of things that the profit clicking system has to offer. But before you can earn some extra income from it, there are things that you should need to do.

The very first thing that one should do is to become a member of profit clicking to start earning some money. After signing up, you have to purchase 1000 advertising credits worth 10 US dollars. You can then use the 1000 advertising credits in promoting your own website or any other products that you want to advertise. Aside from earning inside the system, you can also earn from the advertising that you will be doing out from the 1000 advertising credits that you will buy from profit clicking. There are a lot of members who have experienced sales on their own products right after using the 1000 advertising credits from the system.

The most interesting part happens when you pay your $10 because you’ll get more than what you have spent for. As an additional benefit to your 1000 advertising credits, you will also receive an “Ad-Package Position”. The more advertising positions you buy, the more visitors you can get to your website or product and the more ad-package positions you can get.
What is Ad-Package Position?

For each ad-package position you buy, the company shares their profits with you. For every ad-package position you bought, you will receive 2 percent of it during Mondays – Fridays and 1percent of it during Sundays and Saturdays. It’s just a small percentage but it’s worth your investment because you won’t have to do something tough.

If we do the math, your $10 investment will earn $0.20 per day during the weekdays and $0.10 during the weekends. After 88 days, your $10 will then become $15 which is not that amazing yet. However, it is still a good income by just signing up to the system. However, if you purchase more ad package position then you would surely earn more than $15 per 88 days. Let’s just say, you invest $1000 then you will get 100 ad package positions which will make you earn $1500 after 88 days.

You don’t need to invest more to buy more positions
You can actually use up the profits that you have just earned for more positions. You can wait for the time when you have accumulated enough amount of money to buy another ad-package position. Just a click away and your accumulated earnings can be converted into another position. You will then have more positions making money for you. If you decide to buy more positions in the future, then you can purchase a position anytime.

More Earning Opportunities
Aside from the advertising credits that you can use to get more traffic to your money website or earning some extra cash from your initial investment, you can also earn some extra money from the referral system that profit clicking has to offer. The profit clicking referral system is one of the most profitable referral systems available now because you can earn an unlimited amount of money from one referral only.

The company says that they are willing to pay the referrer 10% of all the referral’s purchases. Aside from that, the company will also pay you 5% for the purchases made by all of your referral’s referral or 2nd level purchases.

If you are good at explaining how the system works, then you would probably have a lot of people who are willing to sign up under your referral. You can talk to your friends or the people whom you just met online or offline and explain to them the benefits that they can get from the profit clicking system. You can get your referral link inside your member’s dashboard.
What now?

If you want to learn more about profit clicking, then you can read more about the company. There are a lot of reviews available in the internet now. If you find a profit clicking scam review, don’t be confused because there are always haters out there. If you want to earn some extra dollars online, then it’s up for you to decide whether you sign up for profit clicking or not. There are over 800 000 ordinary people who are earning money every single day now and the number is still growing with Profit Clicking.
profit clicking

Monday, October 8, 2012

Tentukan Target Berapa Anda Ingin di Gaji Profitclicking

Yupz.. Anda bisa menentukan berapa dollar anda ingin di gaji oleh profitclicking tiap harinya.
Dalam setiap bisnis kita harus bisa menentukan berapa target yang ingin kita capai, tentunya juga harus sesuai dengan kondisi kita.

Tentukan Target Anda

Jika ingin digaji $2 perhari   = Lakukan pembelian 10 ad packages  (seharga $100)
Jika ingin digaji $5 perhari   = Lakukan pembelian 25 ad packages  (seharga $250)
Jika ingin digaji $10 perhari = Lakukan pembelian 50 ad packages  (seharga $500)
Jika ingin digaji $20 perhari = Lakukan pembelian 100 ad packages (seharga $1000)

Hitungan tersebut hanya hitungan standar alias minimal profit yang akan kita dapat dari bisnis online profitclicking ini, belum melibatkan repurchase (pembelian ad packages dari profit harian yang kita dapat), jika kita melakukan repurchase maka hasilnya akan jauh berlipat2 dari hitungan standar di atas.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cara Withdraw (menarik dana dari profitclicking)

Dan inilah momen yang ditunggu-tunggu para penanam investasi online di profitclicking yakni manarik dana hasil investasi kita di profitclicking.

Syarat-syarat yang wajib dilakukan sebelum withdraw
1. Wajib melihat iklan minimal 25iklan (diluar iklan harian yang 3iklan sehari)
2. Minimal withdraw adalah %20
3. Anda wajib pernah depposit/funding dana menggunakan payment processor yang akan digunakan untuk  withdraw

Jika semua syarat di atas sudah terpenuhi silahkan ikuti langkah-langkah berikut

Login ke profitclicking


Klik Transfer untuk memindahkan dana dari AD PACKAGES ke WALLET BALANCE
Masukkan sejumlah dana yang akan di transfer

*Langkah ini bisa dilewati jika dana di WALLET ada lebih $20

Dana berhasil dipindah dan sipa untuk di withdraw

Scroll ke bawah, lalu klik "Withdraw Funds" dalam contoh ini menngunakan payment processor LibertyReserve 

 Masukkan berapa dollar yang akan kita withdraw (min $20) lalu klik tombol Withdraw

Klik Back

Dan proses permintaan withdraw telah selesai, tunggu 1-3hari dana yang anda withdraw akan masuk ke payment processor.
Setelah itu silahkan anda jual dana tersebut di situs jual beli LibertyReserve yang telah terpercaya

Cara Membeli Ad Packages di Profitclicking

Silahkan login di profitclicking
Akan tampil dashboard seperti dibawah ini

klik "PURCHASE AD PACKAGES' yang di kolom merah, lalu akan muncul tampilan seperti gambar di bawah ini.

  1. isikan jumlah paket iklan yang ingin anda beli, 1 paket iklan seharga $10.00, contoh diatas membeli 2 paket iklan seharga $20.00.
  2. setalah anda mengisi kolom dengan jumlah yang anda inginkan, klik nomor 2 "Buy Package Now" untuk melanjutkan ke tahap berikutnya.

akan muncul seperti gambar di bawah ini
  1. adalah jumlah dolar untuk membeli paket iklan anda. ($20.00 untuk membeli 2 paket iklan)
  2. klik "Yes, Confirm My Purchase"
 akan muncul tampilan seperti gambar diatas menandakan anda sukses membeli paket iklan anda.

Cara deposit dana di profitclicking

Untuk memaksimalkan hasil dari bisnis investasi online profitclicking ini kita jangan hanya mengandalkan dana bonus daftar yang $10.

Disini saya akan coba menerangkan bagaimana cara deposit dana anda untuk memaksimalkan hasil dari bisnis investasi online profitclicking ini.

Untuk kasus ini saya contohkan dengan payment processor LibertyReserve.

Pastikan anda sudah mengintegrasikan akun LibertyReserve ke profitclicking, jika belum silahkan ikuti langkahnya di  disini

Setelah Payment Processors ( Lyberty Reserve ) anda terintegrasi dengan Profit Clicking, sekarang saatnya anda Deposit Dana di PC. Langkah2nya sebagai berikut :

1. Klik My Wallet
2. Klik Add Funds pada Liberty Reserve
3. Masukkan jumlah yang akan anda depositkan , kemudian klik fund This amount
( Minimal deposit $10 ).

4. Klik Pay Now
5. Pada langkah ini anda akan dibawah ke halaman Liberty Reserve,Klik Login
6. Centang welcome massege , dan klik continue
7. Klik login PIN
8. Masukkan login pin dan klik login
9. Masukkan master key anda dan klik preview
10. Centang other , dan klik preview
11. Setelah halaman Review tampil , klik tombolconfirm
12. Selamat!! Transaksi anda berhasil , klik return to
13. Selanjutnya Klik Return to Wallet
14. Deposit via Liberty Reserve, telah masuk ke Wallet Balance Profitclicking Anda

Oke tahap proses Deposit di Profit Clicking Selesai . .
anda tinggal membeli posisi/traffic package, untuk bisa mendapatkan profit hariannya

Cara mengintegrasikan akun LR ke Profitclicking

Langkah Ini Hanya Cukup 1x Di Awal Deposit
Klikdisini untuk masuk ke
1. Pertama LOGIN dulu ke akun PC kita.

2. Setelah masuk di Dashboard,Klik My Wallet

3. Di kolom Payment Processors,klik Link Your Account, pada Liberty Reserve ( lihat gambar dibawah ini )

4. Masukkan No. Rekening Libert Reserve anda, Jika sudah klik submit
* tunggu beberapa menit dan cek email anda

5. Klik email anda yang dikirim oleh Profitclicking

6. Klik link konfirmasi yang dikirim profitclicking

7. Integrasi sukses, Klik return To Dashboard

Cara melihat profit harian

Cara melihat profit harian di profitclicking silahkan login dulu di profitclicking

Klik MY AD PACKAGES seperti gambar di atas

akan tampil halaman baru seperti gambar dibawah ini
 Klik SHOW AD PACKAGES dan SHOW FINANCIAL DETAILS untuk melihat data-data profit harian dan masa aktif dari semua ad packages yang sudah anda beli

Cara klik iklan di profitclicking

Agar ad packages yang anda beli mengahsilkan profit setiap harinya, anda diwajibkan untuk meng-klik iklan minimal 3iklan dalam sehari.

Karena jika anda tidak klik iklan minimal 3iklan sehari, anda tidak akan mendapat profit harian. So jangan lupa klik iklannya.

Caranya seperti berikut

Login ke profitclicking

Di bawah anda akan melihat seperti gambar berikut


Akan muncul tab baru, tunggu hingga waktu berjalan selesai selama 20 detik lalu klik "view next ad"
Lakukan hingga tampil iklan minmal 3kali agar anda mendapatkan profit harian dari ad packages yang sudah anda beli.

Dan jangan lupa besokpun lakukan hal yang sama :)

Cara Klaim Bonus $10

Cara meng-klaim bonus sign up anda senilai $10 silahkan ikuti langkah-langkah berikut

Login ke akun profitclicking anda


Masukkan angka 1 (harga 1 ad packages=$10)
Lalu klik Process with My Order

Klik Yes, Confirm My Purchase

Selesai, silahkan anda cek di DASHBOARD akan tampil seperti gambar berikut

Setiap 1 ad packages yang anda beli akan mendapatkan profit 2% (senin-jumat) dan 1% (sabtu-minggu) dengan syarat anda klik iklan minimal 3iklan sehari.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Panduan Cara Mendaftar di Profitclicking

Pendaftaran gratis dan anda akan mendapatkan bonus sign up senilai $10 sebagai modal awal dan bisa anda gunakan untuk investasi untuk pertama kali nya. Silahkan klik banner di bawah ini untuk mendaftar
lalu klik "JOIN" di menu pojok kanan atas

Akan muncul halaman seperti berikut

Silahkan isi data data di atas dengan benar kemudian klik Join Now

Catatan: Account Security PIN-Code (PIN keamanan, layaknya PIN ATM)= isi 4-6 angka acak, namun anda harus bisa mengingatnya, bila perlu catat dan simpan ditempat aman.

Account Security PIN-Code layaknya PIN ATM, kode PIN ini dibutuhkan saat anda akan withdraw (menarik dana) dari akun profitclicikng anda. So jangan sampai lupa karena untuk saat ini tidak ada menu forgot PIN di profitclicking.

Setelah semua langkah di atas selesai, silahkan cek email yang anda pergunakan untuk mendaftar di profitclicking, akan ada email konfirmasi dari profitclicking lalu klik link yang disertakan pada email konfirmasi tsb.

Selamat, anda sekarang sudah bergabung dengan program investasi online terpercaya saat ini.

Apa Itu Profitclicking?

Profitclicking adalah situs baru hasil migrasi dari justbeenpaid yang memang sudah terbukti menjadi bisnis investasi online yang sudah terpercaya membayar membernya sejak 2004. Dan terus terang saya sendiri baru bergabung dengan program bisnis investasi online ini baru sejak bulan Mei 2012, jadi bisa dikatakan telat gabung. Tapi walau begitu saya bersyukur karena menemukan profitclicking program investasi online terpercaya ini dan saya sudah membuktikannya sebagai program investasi online yang terpercaya dan akan semakin berkembang pesat untuk tahun tahun ke depannya.

Silahkan baca-baca dulu keseluruhan seluk beluk dan tata cara bergabung di profitclicking program investasi online terpercaya di blog ini.

Jadi bagi anda yang mampir ke blog saya ini silahkan bergabung di profitclicking program investasi online terpercaya ini, tak ada kata telat untuk memulai sesuatu yang akan menguntungkan kita ke depannya.

Saat bergabung anda akan mendapatkan bonus $10 langsung ke akun profitclicking anda dan bisa langsung anda investasikan. Dana tersebut akan mendapatkan profit 2% untuk senin-jumat dan 1% untuk sabtu-minggu.

Jadi tunggu apa lagi, silahkan klik banner di bwah ini

Salam sukses